
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


Improved: Setting up "Proactive Messages" is now easier for ConnectWise partners
Admins with ConnectWise-integrated workspaces no longer need to configure PSA-level settings to set up “Proactive Messages,” the capability that allows contacts to access all threads from Messenger (and not just chat-specific ones).
Previously, a ConnectWise-specific configuration had to be enabled before using Proactive Messages (board-level statuses with the “notify customer” flag set to true). This extra step is no longer needed, simplifying the onboarding process for ConnectWise-integrated Thread Partners and shifting the customization tasks within Thread Admin via the
Exclude these Boards
selection tool.
Improved: Planner filtering and performance
The Planner view now excludes PSA tickets outside Thread channels (e.g., automated alerts), providing a faster Planner experience and reducing the need to apply filters. Users no longer need to apply a bevy of exclusion filters.
NEW: Thread now Integrates with TimeZest (Limited to Planner Beta users)
Inbox users can now send TimeZest meeting invitations directly from within Inbox, making it easy for techs and customers to find the best meeting time - eliminating scheduling "ping pong" - while chatting in a thread.
With an active TimeZest account, Inbox users can send a TimeZest link to contacts using the /TimeZest slash command. Contacts can then choose a meeting time through the link, which will update Planner in real-time with the plan details.
🌍 This is available to Partners currently enrolled in the Planner early beta program and will be made available for General Availability in the coming weeks. Reach out to Thread to request Planner and TimeZest integration access.
NEW: Support for “Two-Step Close” (finally! 🎉)
Threads can now automatically move to the Done tab in both Inbox and Chat when their status is set to completed, in review, or any other “two step close” style status.
This update addresses the common “two step close” process embraced by MSPs, where Service Managers review billing and completion details before officially marking a thread as done.
Admins can now map any "completed" style statuses within Thread to Done so that Inbox and Messenger no longer clutters their views with resolved but still seemingly active threads.
Here's how to get started:
  1. Go to Inbox > Preferences > Workspace.
  2. Click the + Board button and select a board from the dropdown.
  3. In the Done column, select any status considered a “two step close” review status.
  4. Toggle the “Set thread to 'Done' when time entry has 'Resolution'” option to ON.
🌍 This feature is now available for all Partners.
NEW: Auto-move threads to "in progress" after first reply
Threads can now automatically move to an “in progress” status when any Inbox user sends an initial message. This helps MSPs report more accurately on Response SLAs and total time worked (and saves a few clicks for fast-moving techs).
Partners tell us that automatically moving threads to "In Progress" helps prevent artificially high Response SLAs and incorrectly lower "total time worked" stats. And, as an added perk, this eliminates the need for techs to manually update a thread's status when first responding to a customer.
Here's how to get started:
  1. Go to Inbox > Preferences > Workspace.
  2. Click the + Board button and select a board from the dropdown.
  3. In the “In Progress” column, select the value that represents the first “in progress” status for your team.
  4. Toggle the “Set thread to 'In Progress' after the first reply” option to ON.
🌍 This feature is now available for all Partners.
New: Turn off logging of
Magic AI
Tired of Magic AI cluttering PSA tickets with logging activity? Toggle it off!
Admins can now disable Magic AI from logging automated actions to the PSA. Many partners tell us that the logging can create too much clutter within the PSA ticket or inadvertently affect reporting and would prefer to display the audit trail details only in Inbox.
🌍 This update is available to all partners and all supported PSAs by navigating to Admin > Integrations > PSA > PSA Sync
New: Exit paths and supporting options for logged out users
Messenger's login journey has been redesigned to provide helpful, positive exit paths and supporting options throughout a contact's journey. In the latest release, contacts logging into Messenger will see:
  1. Polished, focused Auto-Bot prompts at every step in the log-in journey;
  2. Exit paths and support options when an existing contact's login journey reaches an error; and
  3. No more Auto-Bot "dead ends" including when a contact enters a verification code that does not match the expected response.
Messenger will now reliably clear the composer when a message is sent, making it easy to continue the conversation.
🌍 This update is now available for all contacts using Messenger Web and Messenger Desktop from a logged-out state.
Improved: Easier navigation for Planner power-users
Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 4
You can now navigate through Inbox and check unread counts while the left-side menu is collapsed, making it easy for Dispatchers and Service Managers to react and move quickly when using full-screen tools like Planner.
Hover over the "expand menu" icon in the top left corner of Inbox when the left-side menu is collapsed to reveal the full menu.
We've found that collapsing the navigation menu while using Planner frees up screen space to display one or two extra member swimlanes and reveal a wider view of your org's work. This update makes it easier to stay in full-screen mode without losing insights or navigation.
NEW: Update threads directly from cards in Planner
Planner users can now change the
directly from the Planner card without first navigating into a thread. This makes it easy for users to triage and plan multiple threads quickly without losing their place within Planner.
NEW: Preview threads in Planner
You can now open a preview of a thread by clicking on a Planner card instead of navigating directly into the full thread view, making it easy to interact with requests from a high level without losing your spot within Planner.
NEW: Exclude internal-only boards for Chat
Admins can now exclude threads from specific boards from showing to end customers through Messenger, making it easier for MSPs to manage "internal-only" threads associated with contacts without overwhelming customers with non-actionable threads.
This is one of our most requested asks from our extra-large MSPs who often lean on "internal-only" boards for managing alerts, billing, and other work that doesn't require interactions or follow-ups with end customers.
We've found that contacts can sometimes feel confused when they see back office-style tickets displayed in Chat. With today's update, Admins can now filter Messenger to show actionable threads and exclude those from boards that are best for just the MSP.
  • Any expanded Backlog and Overdue sections in Planner will remain expanded if you navigate away and then back into Planner, helping you avoid having to rebuild your Planner workspace each time you interact with different Inbox tools.
  • You'll now see small styling and experience improvements in Planner that help make the experience feel polished.
New: Filter by status
Planner users can now filter threads by status, making it easier for users to review and prioritize threads based on where they are in their service journey.
We've learned from Partners that filtering goes well beyond Planning actions and that Planner gives Dispatchers a high-level view of threads that need action. Filtering by Status lets Partners better "manage by exception".
Bug fixes
  • Planner users can now select any start or end date value when creating a plan instead of being locked into an existing range.
  • Planner users will no longer see a default
    channel displayed in cards within the Triage swimlane.
  • Planner users who scroll through multiple member swimlanes can more easily distinguish Triage threads from threads behind the Triage column.
  • Planner’s plan dropdown field is simpler and supports smarter plan recommendations.
NEW: Filtering for Planner
You can now filter Planner by board, channel, and priority, making it easier to zoom into specific teams and collections of threads. This is easily our most requested ask from our Planner Beta partners. Other updates include:
  1. Sync members with ‘channel’ filter
    : Automatically show or hide members in Planner based on any channel filters applied, making it simpler to navigate across different teams via 'channel' (and the members with access to those channels) without manually adding and removing members into view each time.
  2. Swimlane-specific customization
    : You can now customize if filters apply to only the Triage column or to both Triage and member-specific swimlanes. We've found that some filter types work best for triaging activities (ex: moving high-priority items to an available member) while others can apply to the entire Planner view.
🌍 Planner is available to select Partners through early Beta Access and will be made available for General Availability in the coming weeks. Reach out to Thread to request Beta access.
Improved: Support for
Customer Updated
flag (ConnectWise only)
Inbox now updates the
Customer Updated
flag in ConnectWise to match the intent of this PSA feature, making it easier for Partners to have more reliable internal reporting, design sophisticated if-else logic within their PSA, and stay on top of customer responses across their software stack.
Updates include:
  • Customer Updated
    is set to ON when a contact creates a thread or responds from any Messenger product; and,
  • Customer Updated
    is set to OFF when a member - whether the owner or otherwise - replies to the contact.
We've also applied a few well-requested choices to the behavior to differ from the PSA path:
  • Thread doesn't set the flag to OFF when a member looks at a thread, which more closely matches the expectation that the customer still is owed a reply.
  • We set the flag to OFF when a non-assigned member replies, which more closely matches the expectation that a technician responded back.
Bug fixes
  • The "Support" header copy is no longer displayed in the MSFT Teams support app. Contacts who navigated into their MSP's support app into the default Support tab used to see "Support" float over the header image, which cluttered the header behind it.
  • Planner beta updates
    : Plans set from within the thread view will no longer show up in Planner a day earlier than their actual plan day
  • Planner beta updates
    : Planner users can now drag and drop threads two or more times as expected without freezing the screen
  • Planner beta updates
    : Planner users with the “sync with channels” toggle set to on can no longer un-toggle any selected members.
NEW: Introducing Planner 📆
Never miss another customer with Planner.
introducing planner gif
Planner is a request tracking and planning tool within Inbox that lets MSPs plan when work can be accomplished. With Planner, you can plan which day a thread should be tackled and set a time for down-to-the-minute scheduling. Planner is Thread's approach to the well-embraced practice of "scheduling" tickets and is designed with decades of Agile best practices in mind.
  • Plan when work is done
    Plan threads for specific days and set exact times to ensure the right technician is assigned at the right time. Planning lets you create deeper accountability and avoid missed meet-ups or deadlines.
  • Triage with a single click
    : Drag newly-created threads from Triage into Backlog to tackle them on your own time, or drop them into your teammate's day space to create a plan. Assign and schedule work with a single click.
  • Dispatch with
    Review your team’s backlog in a simple Kanban-style view to load-balance your team's work and create capacity. Planner arms Dispatchers, Service Managers, and Team Leads with a turn-key and easy-to-embrace tool to design how their squads get work done.
  • Sync with your tools in real-time
    : Planner automatically syncs with your PSA to keep your organization updated in real-time and makes transitions seamless across for your organization. Existing PSA integrations with Microsoft Outlook keep your calendars updated in real-time.
🌍 Planner is available to select Partners through early Beta Access and will be made available for General Availability in the coming weeks. Reach out to Thread to request Beta access.
Bug fixes
  • Messenger Desktop now re-opens from the same monitor and desktop location from where it was last closed, making it easier for MSPs to design where within a user’s desktop space applications can live.
  • Contacts associated with a single company no longer need to select their organization when navigating to Messenger Desktop, helping reduce extra steps and potential confusion early in their chat experience.
  • Contacts using Windows can now consistently open Messenger Desktop by clicking on the app icon from their computer desktop, tray, and pinned taskbar icon.
NEW: Welcome screens for new users
messenger welcome
Contacts using Messenger Desktop for the first time will now see a polished welcome screen - featuring their MSPs name and branding - that gives more context behind Chat and how to use it.
Bug fixes
  • Contacts using Messenger Desktop while logged out will no longer be asked to submit their email address in a repeating loop.
  • Contacts using Messenger Desktop will no longer see an empty placeholder for the application icon in the Windows Taskbar or Mac Dock in certain scenarios.
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